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  Revelation Now
jac colon

Jac Colon, Director and Speaker

A Former Businessman
A Stock broker for Paine Webber Jackson and Curtis, owner of a retirement home in Virginia, and operates a small video production company.

A Former Air force Officer, a USAF Captain on a B52 crew with 105 combat missions in Vietnam.

Now a world traveled Bible Lecturer who has combined his past experiences with an intense study of the Book of Revelation into present a series of Messages you will not soon forget. Jac has served as a pastor, administrator and evangelist.

'dena Colon- Associate Director presents Gospel Music, mixed with practical insights that will strengthen your family life. 'dena, the daughter of evangelist Elden Walter, brings a wealth of evangelistic experience to the Revelation Now team.

dena colon 

Jac Colon and 'dena Colon have served as Pastor, Evangelist, Church Administrator in Oklahoma, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington DC, Texas and Washington State. Jac has also served as professor of Evangelism for Andrews University Theological Seminary. They have conducted evangelistic meetings in over 100 cities across the United States, and in Africa, Jordan, the former Soviet Union, the Philippines, South America, Fiji and in 1998 were among the first evangelistic teams to hold meetings in Cuba since the Castro Revolution.

They have authored several books, including Standing in the Shaking, Persuasive Influence Without Undue Pressure, Assurance in Witnessing and Motivating the Church to Witness.'dena, daughter of internationally known evangelist, Elden Walter, is also an accomplished musician and has recorded an album in Nashville, TN. 'dena has her BA Degree in Theology from Andrews University.

The Colon's now reside in Washington state near Mt Ranier. They have two sons, Ioa (Paul) and Paris (Jason).

Paul lives in Portland OR and is currently part owner, programer and provides technical support for "Literature and Latte" a software company in England that produces "Scrivener," an awesome tool for writers. If you do any writing at all, you will love Scrivener. And you get the best support available.  You can click the logo below to check it out the windows version.

Jason graduated from Newbold College near London, England and has completed his Masters Degree in Literature at Sussex University in England. He lives on a self supporting organic farm in Spain.  We are awfully proud of our two guys.

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